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The 4th Singapore-China International Commercial Dispute Resolution Forum Successfully Held in Beijing

Time:2024/12/02 BJT

On November 27, 2024, the 4th Singapore-China International Commercial Dispute Resolution Forum, jointly organized by the International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO), the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), and the Singapore Ministry of Law, was successfully held in Beijing. The conference gathered over 300 esteemed participants, including government officials from Singapore and China, representatives from various international organizations, chambers of commerce, industry associations, as well as legal service providers specializing in arbitration and mediation.

REN Hongbin, chairman of CCPIT, Edwin Tong SC, minister for Culture, Community and Youth and second minister for Law of Singapore, LIU Guixiang, standing member of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC)’s Adjudication Committee (Vice-Minister Level), and Justice SEE Kee Oon, judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Singapore addressed at the opening ceremony respectively. ZHANG Yuejiao, honorary chairperson of ICDPASO, first Chinese judge and former chairman on the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization, ONG Tze Guan, chairman of Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, WANG Han, member of the SPC in the fields of foreign commerce, executive director of the Legal Research Center on Foreign Affairs of Northwest University of Political Science and Law and, Ms. Gloria Lim, CEO of Singapore International Arbitration Centre delivered keynote speeches respectively. YU Jianlong,Vice Chairman of the CCPlT, Chairman of the ICDPASO and Charlene Chang, deputy-secretary (Development) of Singapore Ministry of Law addressed at the closing ceremony.

Experts from Singapore and China engaged insightful views on international cooperation in providing arbitration and mediation services for enterprises, the potential and challenges of associated with application of artificial intelligence and digital technology in dispute resolution, and the refinement of international arbitration practices, SHEN Peilan, secretary-general of the ICDPASO, moderated for the panel discussions on the prospects and challenges of applying artificial intelligence and digital technologies in dispute resolution.

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