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ICDPASO (Xiamen) Representative Office participated in 2024 MSRCLD International Legal-Commerce Integration Exchange(II)

Time:2024/05/16 BJT

Recently, International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO) (Xiamen) Representative Office was invited to  participate in the second trip of the International Legal-Commerce Integration Exchange activities organized by the Fujian and Xiamen Leading Group Office of Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District (MSRCLD). The second trip involved visits to Quanzhou and Putian cities, with the aim of further promoting the professional legal services capabilities offered by  ICDPASO.


During the symposiums conducted in the MSRCLD Quanzhou District  and Putian city, WU Shaoying, Senior Consultant of the ICDPASO Representative Office (Xiamen) highlighted the international neutrality and professional strengths of ICDPASO. Also accompanied by the working group, a series of on-site visits were conducted to the export-oriented enterprises such as Quanzhou Qilong Digital Park, Quanzhou Electronic Commerce Association, Quanzhou Donghai Cross-border E-commerce Ecosphere, Anheuser-Busch InBev Sedrin Brewery Co., Ltd. and New YIFA Group to gain a deeper understanding of the legal problems in overseas business. 

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