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Preventing Cross-Border Disputes And Achieving Win-Win Cooperation -----ICDPASO Receives a Banner

Time:2023/11/23 BJT

In October 2023, SEVEN STAR COMPANY, a Pakistani company, presented a banner with the words "efficiently and professionally resolving issues through dispute prevention" to express its appreciation for the legal services provided by the International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (hereinafter referred to as "ICDPASO").

This case is a typical international sales contract dispute referred to ICDPASO by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for assistance. The respondent Chinese enterprise was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in the international trade environment, which led to defective performance of the contract , thus causing the Pakistani enterprise of the applicant to suffer losses, and the two parties were unable to reach an agreement on the division of liability for breach of contract with regard to the reduction of the price or the compensation of the goods.

The ICDPASO neutrally coordinated several rounds of negotiations between the parties and communicated with the enterprises of both parties. Eventually, ICDPASO facilitated both parties to reach a consensus and re-sign the agreement, and the respondent finally completed the performance in the form of monetary compensation within a reasonable range. The dispute was resolved in a high-quality and efficient manner through dispute prevention without the need for arbitration or litigation.

The ICDPASO will continue to build dispute prevention bridges for international market players, avoid and reduce the occurrence or escalation of disputes through the full and effective exercise of its preventive function, save time and economic costs for the parties, and aim to build a full-chain commercial legal service platform of "prevention beforehand, management and control and settlement afterward", so as to promote the smooth development of economic and trade exchanges among countries around the world and achieve win-win co-operation.

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