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The "Rule of Law and Change" Parallel Forum of the Global Business and Law Conference was Successfully Held in Beijing

Time:2023/09/25 BJT

On the evening of September 22, 2023, the 2023 Global Business and Law Conference was successfully held in Beijing. The Conference was hos‍ted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (hereinafter referred to as "CCPIT") and supported by the International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (hereinafter referred to as "ICDPASO"). The "Rule of Law and Change" Parallel Forum of the Global Business and Law Conference, hosted by CCPIT and organized by the Secretariat of ICDPASO, the Department of Legal Affairs of CCPIT, and the Institute of International Dispute Prevention and Settlement of the Beijing Institute of Technology, was also held on September 23. Under the theme of "Improving the International Rule of Law and Leading the Changes of the Times", more than 130 representatives from the business and legal sectors participated in the forum.

Mr. YU Jianlong, Vice Chairman of CCPIT and Chairman of ICDPASO, Mr. Marcelo Vazquez-Bermudez, First Vice-Chairman of the International Law Commission of the United Nations, and Dr. QIN Zhihui, Vice President of Beijing Institute of Technology (Member of ICDPASO Advisory Committee) attended and addressed the forum. Mr. HAN Yong, Director-General of the Department of WTO Affairs of China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), Ms. Teresa Cheng GBM, Professor of Tsinghua University (Member of ICDPASO Advisory Committee) and Former Secretary for Justice of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ms. ZHAO Hong, Professor at the Law School of Peking University and Former Member and Chairman of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization( WTO) delivered the Keynote Speeches. Ms. LIU Li, Vice Dean of the School of International Law of China University of Political Science and Law (Member of ICDPASO Advisory Committee), and other experts in the field of jurisprudence and law engaged in a thorough discussion on the forum theme. Mr. ZHENG Wei, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Legal Affairs of CCPIT, Ms. LI Wei Deputy Director-General of the Department of Legal Affairs of CCPIT, and Dr. GONG Xiangqian, Dean of the Institute of International Dispute Prevention and Settlement of Beijing Institute of Technology presided over the sessions of the opening ceremony, keynote speech, and roundtable discussion.

This conference aims to bring together the elites in the global business and legal fields, uphold the concept of global governance of common business and common sharing, and commit to creating an open, mutually beneficial and win-win, fair and just, stable and orderly international business environment, so as to further promote the development of the global economy in the direction of more openness and inclusiveness. Through deepening reform and expanding opening-up, the conference will make positive contributions to jointly building a more stable, prosperous and sustainable global economic system.

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