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ICDPASO International Legal Exchange and Cooperation Into the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District (1)

Time:2023/04/17 BJT

From April 12th-14th , 2023, the representatives of the International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO) held discussion meetings on International Legal Affairs Exchanges and Cooperation in Fuzhou, Putian and Quanzhou cities over the strong support and assistance of the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District (MSRCL) Fujian Provincial Leading Group Office.

During the discussion meeting on International Legal Exchange and Cooperation organized by MSRCLD Fujian, Ms WEI Qing, Director of the Department of General Affairs of ICDPASO introduced ICDPASO’s background, experience and advantages of the one-stop commercial legal services of “pre-prevention , post-processings”, as well as sharing typical cases and legal issues with enterprise representatives. Representatives from local government departments, industry business associations and export-oriented enterprises attended the meeting. After the meeting, the representatives of the ICDPASO also visited the Fujian High People's Court, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Putian Import and Export Chamber of Commerce, and the MSRCLD Quanzhou distrcit, as well as other government units and institutions. based on the signing memorandum of understanding on cooperation, ICDPASO also discussed the implementation process, commissioned mediation cases, and deep cooperation with other units with the Higher People's Court of Fujian Province. 

In 2022, Fujian province's import and export of goods reached a record high of 1.98 trillion Yuan. As a major export-oriented economy, Fujian Province is experiencing a growing demand for premium international legal services from export-oriented companies. In the next stage, the ICDPASO will continue to visit Longyan, Zhangzhou and other cities and regions under the unified arrangement of the MSRCLD Fujian Province, and continue to carry out International Legal Exchanges and Cooperation activities, and strive to provide quality international legal services to market players and help the build of “Fujian Rule of Law”.

Provincial authorities meeting scence

Discussion meeting scence of Putian

Discussion meeting scence of Quanzhou

On-site Q&A interaction

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