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The Solidarity Message of Secretary-General of ICDPASO, Dr. LIU Chao on the Launch of the Malawi International Commercial Arbitration Centre

Time:2022/08/18 BJT

Esteemed President Lazarus Chakwera ,

Distinguished Guest, 

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Greetings to you all! 

It has been my great pleasure and privilege as the Secretary-General of the International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization, ICDPASO, to extend solidarity greetings on the launch of the Malawi International Commercial Arbitration Centre, and the cooperation between the Government of Malawi, the Malawi Law Society and the AFSA (Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa). 


The creation of a common arbitral mechanism serving the entire region is, in effect, a bridge across the region – one that facilitates trade and commerce. The cooperation between the Government of Malawi, the Malawi Law Society and AFSA is an inspiring example of regional cooperation in the SADC region. We believe that the cooperation will facilitate quality, flexible and diversified resolution of commercial disputes in line with international arbitration practices. It will also ensure increased multinational business investment in the country as one way of ensuring speedy and efficient commercial dispute resolution.


As a non-governmental and non-profit international organization, ICDPASO was established on October 15, 2020. As the only existing international platform in the world that integrates prevention and settlement for commercial disputes, ICDPASO is committed to providing internationalized, professional and convenient public legal services for the global business community, promoting the optimization of the global law-based business environment, and pushing forward the establishment of a fair and reasonable international economic order. 


ICDPASO recruits the national chambers of commerce, legal service institutions, universities and think tanks as our members, including AFSA, the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, and the Union of African Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Professions from Africa, and other 48 members from Asia, Europe, South America and North America. We sincerely invite you to join the ICDPASO family!


I, at ICDPASO, will take this opportunity to extend our sincere congratulations on the launch of the Malawi International Commercial Arbitration Centre. ICDPASO will actively interact with African governments and business communities to track and evaluate the effects of law enforcement from a neutral perspective and objective evaluation methods.


And we are looking forward to working closely with you, to share the same commitment to uphold the rule of law in dispute settlements, and endeavour to build a community with a shared future for mankind.  


I wish all of you a meaningful and successful event. Thank you.

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