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The 1st Legal Forum on Cross Border Trade in Services Was Successfully Held in Beijing

Time:2021/09/14 BJT

On September 4, 2021, The 1st Legal Forum on Cross-Border Trade in Services was successfully held in Beijing. As hosts of the forum, International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO) and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) have made overall plans and completed preparatory work. Upheld the high-end, international, and professional positioning, ICDPASO ensured the smooth convening of the forum, and built it an international and influential event.

Focusing on the changes in the pattern of international trade in services, the adjustment of the global industrial chain, and the responses to the rules of international trade in services under the new pattern, this forum aimed to provide a platform for exchanges on hot issues of cross-border legal services for all sectors of global political, commercial and research circles, and to explore the new situation, challenges and opportunities facing global legal services in the context of the pandemic and post-pandemic situation.

LU Pengqi, Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, attended the forum and delivered opening speech. ZHANG Yuejiao, Honorary Chair of ICDPASO, Former Chair and Judge of WTO Appellate Body, Professor of Tsinghua University (Member of ICDPASO Advisory Committee), WANG Junfeng, President of the Belt and Road International Lawyers Association, President of All China Lawyers Association (Member of ICDPASO Council), LI Zhuyong, President of China Maritime Law Association (Member of ICDPASO Supervisory Committee), Executive Director of the People's Insurance Company (Group) Of China, attened the forum in person and delivered speeches. HUANG Jin, Vice President of China Law Society, Former President of China University of Political Science and Law (Member of ICDPASO Advisory Committee), President of China Society of International Law (Member of ICDPASO Council), presided the keynote speech. LI Shouping, Dean of the School of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology (Member of ICDPASO Advisory Committee), Director General of Aerospace Policy and Law Institute of BIT hosted the thesis seminar. Guests speakers delivered speeches around the theme, including Derek Vaughan, Vice Chairman of ICDPASO, President of the EU-China Friendship Association (Member of ICDPASO Council), Prashant Kumar, President of the Bar Association of India (Member of ICDPASO Council), Former President of LAWASIA, Founder Member of Trinaya Legal, Gregory Vijayendran, President of the Law Society of Singapore (Member of ICDPASO Council), Vice President of Singapore Academy of Law, Rajah & Tann Disputes Partner, Amapola Grijalva, President of the Mexico-China Chamber of Commerce and Technology (Member of ICDPASO Advisory Committee), Founder of the Mexico-European Union Center for Economic Studies, Vice President of the Council of Red Procex,Jorge Neto Valente, President of the Macau Lawyers Association (Member of ICDPASO Supervisory Committee), Member of the International Association of Lawyers, Member of the Portuguese Bar Association, Michael Chai Woon Chew, Deputy Secretary General I of Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia (Member of ICDPASO Supervisory Committee), Secretary General of National Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM), José Ricardo, CEO of LIDE China (Member of ICDPASO Advisory Committee), Member of the Special Committee of the National Coordination on China-Brazil Relations of Federal Council of Brazilian Bar Association (CNRBC-OAB) .

The forum specially invited Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary-General of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, to deliver keynote speech. LONG Fei, the Senior Judge of the Supreme People’s Court and the deputy director general of the Coordination and Guidance Office for China International Commercial Court of the Fourth Civil Division, LI Hu, Vice Chairman of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission, an arbitrator of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) recommended by the Chinese government, GONG Xiangqian, associated Dean of Institute of International Dispute Prevention and Settlement of  Beijing Institute of Technology International and member of Law Commission of International Union for Conservation of Nature, FU Donghui, Consultant of International Business Law Committee of All China Bar Association, Vice Chairman of CCPIT Legal Advisory Committee on Economic and Trade Frictions and ZHANG Xiulin, Professor-level Senior Economist at Sinopec International Petroleum Service Corporation, expressed opinions and shared experiences on the theme of the conference.

Approximately 200 guests including representatives from judicial and arbitration circles, lawyers, universities, enterprises and well-known legal experts from 20 countries, regions and domestic attended the forum on-site. Democracy and Legal System Weekly, China Trade News, and China Today have provided media support. China International Youth Exchange Centre and other 11 organizations have made extentive support to the forum. SHU Huan, Vice Director General of Department of Legal Affairs of CCPIT hosted the Opening Ceremony, and LIU Chao, Secretary General of ICDPASO and Director General of Department of Legal Affairs of CCPIT made the Concluding Speech. 

ICDPASO will actively explore diversified commercial dispute prevention and resolution methods, build a platform for global legal service exchanges, and contribute to the construction of a global legal system for trade in servicesand the development of the international rule-based business environment. 

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